Monday, February 23, 2009

I suck as a blogger...

I've come to the conclusion that I suck as a blogger. My sister-in-law recently pointed out to me that there is no reason why I shouldn't be updating my blog especially since I am home from work for the next couple of months. But, for some reason I just don't seem to be able to get ANYTHING done EVER! Maybe it's because I have a 1 month old that consumes ALL of my time - which I don't mind at all. Actually, I allow my beautiful baby Kassai to consume all of my time because I love her so much. I have to say that this 3rd child has really slowed me down. I literally want to hold her in my arms the entire day. I've had the same pile of clean clothes on the floor of my room for 5 days now and I have now desire to pick them up - well I actually have no time - he he he :-) Kairee had colic as a baby and didn't leave me with fond memories of the newborn stage. When Kassai starts whining I just giggle and think "is that all?!" Where I once was able to accomplish 50 things in 1 day I now accomplish 1 and I'm fine with it. Today I took Kassai to the portrait studio to take 1 month pics. I finally gave up when she kept on fussing and decided to change her diaper. She proceeded to pee all over my pants - luckily newborn pee doesn't smell too bad :-) Instead of getting frustrated and upset I called Kiko and laughed and told him he probably wished he could trade places with me - Right! Anyhow, I've decided that I need to find some time in every day to write and share pics and once I figure out this new camera I will upload some more recent pics! Here's to my precious child Kassai Rose Griffin!