Monday, March 2, 2009

Oprah and the Tooth Fairy can solve California's financial woes...

Today on the way to school we were listening to the radio and they were talking about how the State is going to cut 11 billion dollars from the public school system...Teachers were going to get pink slips, etc. I figured this would be a good topic to discuss with Kaliya and Kairee. Both kids listened intently to my thoughts and opinions. When I was done Kaliya said frankly, "Does Oprah know about this? Why doesn't she just give the school some money?" and Kairee quickly added "Or the tooth fairy." It took everything in me to stifle a laugh...I'm sure the tooth fairy wouldn't mind kickin' in a billion or two :-)

1 comment:

CarleeKajsa said...

seriously good idea kairee and kaliya - between the two of them i am sure our state can be out of debt!